New Beginnings, New Endings

Today, like many days before, I woke up to a dark sleepy house and quietly got ready for the two hour trip to Fenwick. Dizzy & I book regular songwriting and recording sessions to keep the music flowing. It’s been a life-line these past few years, and a much needed way to feel productive when we can’t play live. 

The last time I counted we had 17 compositions that are real contenders for recording. A bunch of these songs have already been arranged and have even been played at our recent shows. But there are still a handful of songs and song ideas that need work.

This is what we worked on today:

🎵Dizzy Spin (working title)

  • the music and melody is complete, although as we discovered today it still needs to be transposed…. Cuz my voice can’t reach down that low…. at least not without a good case of laryngitis.

  • The Lyrics are 85% written… we’re just missing a strong landing! You know… THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! Now the good thing is that I’ve got the picture in my head and I can see the whole scene.


🎵Home is Where My Heart Is

  • this is a super new one… no chart yet but we’ve got a melody and some lyrics: “Sure the crowds are nice over here in Paradise, with their drinks and fancy parties. But I’m all alone and I just want to go, ‘Cause Home is Where My Heart Is”

🎵All The Yous

  • a finished song, that we’ve played at a bunch of shows… HOWEVER… Dizzy and I both felt like the arrangement needed work… so we tried adding a solo, circling back to the bridge and then changing up the ending.

    It’s a super fast song, with a tons of quick words so it kinda sounds like the song is running.
    Our new ending runs it right into a wall… a super abrupt ending that finishes on a SMASH of the keys.

    Here’s a little snippet from the session.

    What do you think?

All The Yous (new ending)


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