Drums, Bass and MAGIC!

It’s happening!!!!

Today I arrived at The Old Sumbler House (Dizzy’s Studio) with my suitcase and a car full of food: samosas, humus and fresh pita from Adonis, one of my fav spots in Scarborough. I felt like I needed to bring some extra special treats from my hometown, because today feels so very extra special!

Today is the first day of a four day recording session for OUR BRAND NEW ALBUM!

I’m sitting in the corner of the control room watching John ‘Beetle’ Bailey unpack his many bags and cases. John is a master audio artist… hot off a Grammy… and now he’s working with Dizzy & Fay!

But he’s not the only super-star coming here today…

Davide DiRenzo is enroute from Toronto, bringing his drums, his expressive joy and his gigantic heart!

And of course Rich Moore is on his way from down the road, bringing with him his brilliant bass playing and every bit of his awesome-ness.

That’s right folks, we’re bringing the big guns for this one. I can’t reveal too much…. mostly because with artists of this caliber you’re never quite sure what magic will happen.

But there WILL be magic. How could there not be.

xoxoxo Fay
